Tuesday, March 29, 2005

The Superhero's Creed

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility, AND
with great weakness must come great forgiveness.

You are also here for a reason.


Use your abilities responsibily,
forgive yourself for your weaknesses,
find out why you are here, AND
be who you are so you can be who you were meant to be.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Dreams: Bamf

Dreams: Bamf

Here then there
Never in between
A black cloud and Bamf!
Someplace new.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Conflict Dream

At my parents.
My friends are all there.
We are supposed to catch a movie.
The group doesn't seem to be moving that direction and I feel they are overstaying their welcome (since this is my parents' place afterall).
Everyone's playing cards. I decide I will play one more game before approaching Chris, who is leading the group somehow. When I do go upstairs to talk to Chris, I see there is a tussel going on - two young men from India (or is it Pakistan?) anyway they are arabic. I manage to break them up. I tell them to sit down with me on the floor and pray. We do so and the violence is curbed for the moment. My mother comes up from downstairs - she is very old. As we are in our moment of prayer, I mouth the words "I am sorry" to her (sorry for everyone overstaying their welcome and without even asking to stay longer)

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Relationship Dreams

One father, he and his loved ones scarred for life; for his first family, abandonment wounds remain; for his second, the burns fused their lives together grotesquely.

One lover, all is well with her family and life; like a shephard and a happy flock; and I am the wolf, licking his lips.

Two of myself, holding hands in the halls at school, gain strength from one another. We overcome our heckler's abuse. We do our own thing and we do it at our own pace.

Love revolutions
Long scars and binary stars
eliptical orbit. (me)

I reach the bottom of a hill
each time
lets go of August
and have to start
pedaling again.
(Arianne Baadsgaard, “Cycles,” New Era, Sept. 2002, 51)

Monday, March 21, 2005

Simply Complex Entertainment

I would like to climb a tree
but instead I put in another dvd;
I'd love to hang with a friend
but instead I play pretend;
I long to grow closer
but instead I'm a poetry composer.

Friday, March 18, 2005

The Living Force

Visit your past, but do not dwell there; instead, gather up those most important lessons learned and have them handy to meet the challenges of today. Choose wisely the baggage you take with you; extraneous burdens slow and discourage. (me)

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Emptiness As Happiness

Calmness. Breathing. Life and death in geosynchronous orbit.

Water flow. Water fall. Enjoy the splashes.

Laying down. An earthly spot to sit for a bit.

The sunset, the smile, the warmness that soon passes.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Hope and Faith and Brand New Blue Jeans

Don't I wish I could feel the way I do while wearing a new outfit. I want people to notice me and see my at my best, and what other way is so simple to achieve that effect?