Thursday, May 05, 2005

Shots in the Dark

A shot in the dark
A doctor with a long tool
Stab me to heal me!

Shoot me up with drugs
Shield me from bacteria
That hides in plain sight.

Oh the health mantra,
Behold! Pill poppers abound!
Thank you, HMO.

Monday, May 02, 2005

The Pits

As a boy I climbed
Up and down the steep incline
playing with other kids.

We pushed each other
The bigger kids kept me down
Until I gave up.

I ran out of steam
And so I sat in the pit
Resting and waiting.

all those bullies departed
and I looked around.

Only I remained;
Tragically, I climbed alone
Relieved but upset.

Happy to be out,
but friendless and defeated,
and it depressed me.

There are other pits,
Even now I am struggling,
will no one help me?

Who won't push me down
and laugh as I fall below;
I'm so pitiful...