Friday, March 25, 2005

Conflict Dream

At my parents.
My friends are all there.
We are supposed to catch a movie.
The group doesn't seem to be moving that direction and I feel they are overstaying their welcome (since this is my parents' place afterall).
Everyone's playing cards. I decide I will play one more game before approaching Chris, who is leading the group somehow. When I do go upstairs to talk to Chris, I see there is a tussel going on - two young men from India (or is it Pakistan?) anyway they are arabic. I manage to break them up. I tell them to sit down with me on the floor and pray. We do so and the violence is curbed for the moment. My mother comes up from downstairs - she is very old. As we are in our moment of prayer, I mouth the words "I am sorry" to her (sorry for everyone overstaying their welcome and without even asking to stay longer)


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