Thursday, February 16, 2006

Danger, Stress and Opportunity

My car broke down the other day. It really is amazing how something like that can point out just how each moment of your work-a-day mundane world revolve around things we take for granted..

My days go like this typically: get up, go to the gym, go to work and eat breakfast in the breakroom, work, each lunch, work, go home late, eat, waste time (er study, thats right, study) and go to bed.

Without a car, this all falls apart.

It also really points out when you don't have many friends!!! I can't imagine asking someone to go out of their way to take me to work. I just don't have any friends I'd feel like asking that of. I'd rather walk. What does that say about me?? What kind of keep-to-myself homicidal freak must that make me!!


At 12:00 PM, Blogger Dawn said...

Did you consider perhaps it is an opportunity for you to re-evalute how you look at people around you? Those at work, those you hang out with, ect. Noone is likely to show up if they feel uninvited. Don't you think most people want opportunities to be "the good guy?"


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