Friday, February 18, 2005

Got Inspiration?

Nothing brings more satisfaction to me than to come to the rescue; to show off; to use my skills in such a way that impress and make someone's day.

Yesterday before my shift at work, I was writing (probably on this blog). A coworker was frustrated with a system change that had taken place over the previous evening. After fifteen minutes of voicing her anger and resentment (and apparently having been doing little else) I had devised a solution - walked over to her computer, had her execute my solution, and all was good with the universe once again. I was inspired as I got to flex my muscles in a manner of speaking.

(I wish I could say that I did this out of empathy, but truly I was getting bummed out myself listening to her and needed relief myself)

This story ties in well with something I read in the book "The Structure of Delight" yesterday as well. I'm not sure if I fully understand it; this is deep stuff, and as an agnostic I'm not sure of anything really. :) It talks about change, chaos and order. The author makes a profound point that I like very much, that change is not entropy (that is, orderliness to disorderliness) but one kind of order to another. A person may have better luck understanding the new order than relying on their own muscle to set things back to the way things were...


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